One Step videos explore global environmental climate changes, underlying scientific concepts, and innovative solutions to the problems. But One Step goes beyond simply teaching the science. It provides you and your students, grades 4–12, with recommendations, ideas, and tools to take action to be more sustainable.
Educate & Inspire Students with Real-World,
Solution-Focused Climate Education
Explain & Explore Scientific Concepts
with High-Quality Videos
Timely, engaging video content to:
- Supplement your core science curriculum
- Support rich classroom dialogue
- Connect what students are learning in their science textbooks to real-world climate problems and solutions
Videos range from 3–25 minutes and can be watched in segments. English captions and Spanish subtitles are available. New videos added regularly.

Four Categories of Engaging Videos
Find just the right video for your lesson planning

Teaching Support for Every Video
Puts Learning into Action

5E Lesson Plans
One Step and Celebration Innovation videos each include lessons plans by grade span that are aligned to NGSS standards for grades 4–12.
Ready-to-use activity sheets, vocabulary sheets, and teaching slides help to speed up lesson planning.
Cross-curricular suggestions are provided for math, social sciences, ELA, and art.

- Questions to facilitate rich academic discussions before and after videos
- Note-taking questions to guide comprehension

English Learner
- Spanish and English subtitles
- Visuals and animations help define and explain concepts
- Lessons are scaffolded to support comprehension

Community Service
- Ideas for students to make a difference in their communities
- Tips, action steps, and more to help students

Projects &
- Individual, family, and school-wide projects
- Encourage students to continue their carbon reducing actions outside of the classroom

One Step’s Secret Power…
Sustainable Action Tracker
How much are your students doing to #StompOutCarbon?
The One Step Sustainable Action Tracker provides students with suggestions about how to reduce their carbon footprint and cultivate habits towards a more sustainable and less wasteful lifestyle.
Students track their actions — from taking a shorter shower and turning off lights to composting — in the app. Individual and school-wide reports motive students to keep making sustainable choices.

Educators Love One Step.
Here's Why.
- It enhances existing curriculum and deepens studentthinking and interest
- It’s flexible and can be used for stand-alone lessons, bell ringers, discussion starters, inquiry- and project-based learning, and so much more across curricula.
- It supports student-centered learningand encourages students to be problem-solvers and innovators.
- It’s a step toward protecting our planet and future!